10 KB

  1. #edit the file
  2. #1.clean data
  3. #2.align
  4. callin
  5. import sys,collections,math,os,os.path,re
  6. import pandas as pd
  7. from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
  8. import argparse
  9. import numpy as np
  10. import time
  11. import re
  12. sys.path.append('/cgdata/liuxiangqiong/work62pancancer/pipeline/v0/noUMI_v0/')
  13. import s11_noUMI_QCsummary as qcsummary
  14. import s12_noUMI_somatic_UMI_20220128 as somatic
  15. ##0.creat the analysis path
  16. def analis_dir(inputpath):
  17. svdir1 = os.path.join(inputpath, '1SV_varscan_pair')
  18. if not os.path.exists(svdir1):
  19. os.mkdir(svdir1)
  20. svdir2= os.path.join(inputpath, '1SV_vardict_pair')
  21. if not os.path.exists(svdir2):
  22. os.mkdir(svdir2)
  23. # for CNV
  24. CNVdir = os.path.join(inputpath, '2CNV_cnvkit_pair')
  25. if not os.path.exists(CNVdir):
  26. os.mkdir(CNVdir)
  27. # for MSI
  28. MSI_dir = os.path.join(inputpath, '3MSI_msisensor2_pair')
  29. if not os.path.exists(MSI_dir):
  30. os.mkdir(MSI_dir)
  31. # for germline result
  32. gemerlinedir = os.path.join(inputpath, '4Germline_unpair')
  33. if not os.path.exists(gemerlinedir):
  34. os.mkdir(gemerlinedir)
  35. # for HL result
  36. HLdir = os.path.join(inputpath, '5HL_gatk_unpair')
  37. if not os.path.exists(HLdir):
  38. os.mkdir(HLdir)
  39. # for fusion
  40. fusion_method1_dir = os.path.join(inputpath, '6Fusion_manta_pair')
  41. if not os.path.exists(fusion_method1_dir):
  42. os.mkdir(fusion_method1_dir)
  43. fusion_method2_dir = os.path.join(inputpath, '6Fusion_genefusion_unpair')
  44. if not os.path.exists(fusion_method2_dir):
  45. os.mkdir(fusion_method2_dir)
  46. #for HLA
  47. HLA_dir = os.path.join(inputpath, '7HLA-HD_unpair')
  48. if not os.path.exists(HLA_dir):
  49. os.mkdir(HLA_dir)
  50. # for qc
  51. qc_dir = os.path.join(inputpath, '8Fastqc')
  52. if not os.path.exists(qc_dir):
  53. os.mkdir(qc_dir)
  54. # for ontarget
  55. ontarget_dir = os.path.join(inputpath, '9Ontarget')
  56. if not os.path.exists(ontarget_dir):
  57. os.mkdir(ontarget_dir)
  58. # for coverage
  59. coverage_dir = os.path.join(inputpath, '10Coverage')
  60. if not os.path.exists(coverage_dir):
  61. os.mkdir(coverage_dir)
  62. # datasummary
  63. datasummary_dir = os.path.join(inputpath, 'datasummary')
  64. if not os.path.exists(datasummary_dir):
  65. os.mkdir(datasummary_dir)
  66. ####1.执行cleandata,align
  67. ###执行输出的bam文件在/cgdata/pancancer/analyse/$laneid/bamfile
  68. def clean_align(inputpath,laneid):
  69. lane_dir=os.path.join('/cgdata/pancancer/analyse', laneid)
  70. if not os.path.exists(lane_dir):
  71. os.mkdir(lane_dir)
  72. bam_dir = os.path.join(lane_dir, 'bamfile')
  73. if not os.path.exists(bam_dir):
  74. os.mkdir(bam_dir)
  75. sampledir=os.path.join(inputpath,laneid+ '_sample_infor_label.txt')
  76. samplelist = pd.read_table(sampledir, sep='\t')
  77. align = '/cgdata/liuxiangqiong/work62pancancer/Client/v0/script/20220705/s1_noUMI_clean_align_20220705.pbs'
  78. for i in range(len(samplelist)):
  79. tumor = samplelist.loc[i, 'tumor']
  80. normal = samplelist.loc[i, 'normal']
  81. if pd.notnull(tumor):
  82. print(tumor)
  83. align_tumor_cmd = 'qsub -v sample=' + tumor + ',inputpath=' + inputpath + ',bam_dir=' + bam_dir + ' ' + align
  84. os.system(align_tumor_cmd)
  85. if pd.notnull(normal):
  86. print(normal)
  87. align_normal_cmd = 'qsub -v sample=' + normal + ',inputpath=' + inputpath + ',bam_dir=' + bam_dir + ' ' + align
  88. os.system(align_normal_cmd)
  89. ###3.执行pair的操作(sv caling,cnv,MSI)
  90. ##需要判断肿瘤样本是来自组织还是血液,如果是血液,那么min_af=0.005 for blood,0.01 for tissue
  91. def pair(inputpath,laneid,sample,tumor,normal):
  92. pairdir = '/cgdata/liuxiangqiong/work62pancancer/Client/v0/script/20220705/run_pair_20220705.pbs'
  93. lane_dir = os.path.join('/cgdata/pancancer/analyse', laneid)
  94. bam_dir = os.path.join(lane_dir, 'bamfile')
  95. tumorlabel = tumor[-2]
  96. if tumorlabel == 'T':
  97. min_af = 0.01
  98. elif tumorlabel == 'C':
  99. min_af = 0.005
  100. svcall_cmd = 'qsub -v sample=' + sample + ',tumor=' + tumor + ',normal=' + normal + ',min_af=' + str(min_af) + ',inputpath=' + inputpath + ',bam_dir=' + bam_dir + ' ' + pairdir
  101. os.system(svcall_cmd)
  102. ####4.unpair(germline,HL,HLA) for control sample
  103. def unpair_control(inputpath,laneid,normal):
  104. lane_dir = os.path.join('/cgdata/pancancer/analyse', laneid)
  105. bam_dir = os.path.join(lane_dir, 'bamfile')
  106. unpair = '/cgdata/liuxiangqiong/work62pancancer/Client/v0/script/20220705/run_unpair_control_20220705.pbs'
  107. unpair_cmd = 'qsub -v sample=' + normal + ',inputpath=' + inputpath + ',bam_dir=' +bam_dir+ ' ' + unpair
  108. os.system(unpair_cmd)
  109. ####5.unpair(Genefuse) for tumor sample
  110. def unpair_case(inputpath,tumor):
  111. unpair = '/cgdata/liuxiangqiong/work62pancancer/Client/v0/script/20220705/run_unpair_case_20220705.pbs'
  112. unpair_cmd = 'qsub -v tumor=' + tumor + ',inputpath=' + inputpath + ' ' + unpair
  113. os.system(unpair_cmd)
  114. ####6.unpair_qc(QC,ontarget,coverage) for normal and tumor
  115. def unpair_QC(inputpath,laneid,sample):
  116. lane_dir = os.path.join('/cgdata/pancancer/analyse', laneid)
  117. bam_dir = os.path.join(lane_dir, 'bamfile')
  118. unpair = '/cgdata/liuxiangqiong/work62pancancer/Client/v0/script/20220705/run_unpair_qc_20220705.pbs'
  119. unpair_tumor_cmd = 'qsub -v sample=' + sample + ',inputpath=' + inputpath + ',bam_dir=' + bam_dir + ' ' + unpair
  120. os.system(unpair_tumor_cmd)
  121. #inputpath='/cgdata/liuxiangqiong/work62pancancer/runtest/laneruntest'
  122. #laneid='laneruntest'
  123. #####
  124. #1.首先执行mapping
  125. #clean_align(inputpath,laneid)
  126. #2.判断log文件是否已经生成完毕。
  127. #2.1)如果单个文件的log生成了,那么执行单个样本对应的命令
  128. #2.1.1) 对于tumor,执行unpair_case(inputpath,tumor),unpair_QC(inputpath,laneid,sample)
  129. #2.1.2)对于normal,执行unpair_control(inputpath,laneid,normal),unpair_QC(inputpath,laneid,sample)
  130. #2.2)如果样本的tumor和normal对应的bam均生成了,以上两个程序均要执行,如果执行了,就不重复执行。完毕后执行配对样本的分析命令
  131. #对于配对的,执行pair(inputpath,laneid,sample,tumor,normal)
  132. def classify_1(data1,data_classify):
  133. if pd.isna(data1["normal"]):
  134. if"CT$",data1["tumor"]):
  135. data_classify[data1["samplename"]] = "tumor_CT"
  136. else:
  137. data_classify[data1["samplename"]] = "tumor_TT"
  138. elif pd.isna(data1["tumor"]):
  139. data_classify[data1["samplename"]] = "normal"
  140. else:
  141. if"CT$", data1["tumor"]):
  142. data_classify[data1["samplename"] + " "] = "tumor_CT"
  143. data_classify[data1["samplename"]] = "normal_tumor_CT"
  144. else:
  145. data_classify[data1["samplename"] + " "] = "tumor_TT"
  146. data_classify[data1["samplename"]] = "normal_tumor_TT"
  147. data_classify[data1["samplename"]+" "] = "normal"
  148. def get_logfile(path,file_list):
  149. dir_list = os.listdir(path)
  150. for x in dir_list:
  151. new_x = os.path.join(path,x)
  152. if os.path.isdir(new_x):
  153. get_logfile(new_x,file_list)
  154. else:
  155. file_tuple = os.path.splitext(new_x)
  156. if file_tuple[1] == '.log':
  157. file_list.append(x.split("_")[0])
  158. return file_list
  159. def sample_1(data_classify, file_list, inputpath, laneid):
  160. sample_accomplish = []
  161. for sam in data_classify:
  162. if data_classify[sam] == "normal":
  163. sample_name_1 = sam.strip() + "CN"
  164. if sample_name_1 in file_list:
  165. print('deal with the normal data including QC,germline,HLA,chemthrethy')
  166. sample = sam.strip()
  167. unpair_control(inputpath, laneid, sample_name_1)
  168. unpair_QC(inputpath, laneid, sample_name_1)
  169. sample_accomplish.append(sam)
  170. if data_classify[sam] == "tumor_TT":
  171. sample_name_2 = sam.strip() + "TT"
  172. if sample_name_2 in file_list:
  173. print('deal with the tumor data for the tissue including QC,fusion')
  174. unpair_case(inputpath,sample_name_2)
  175. unpair_QC(inputpath,laneid,sample_name_2)
  176. sample_accomplish.append(sam)
  177. if data_classify[sam] == "tumor_CT":
  178. sample_name_2 = sam.strip() + "CT"
  179. if sample_name_2 in file_list:
  180. #print(33)
  181. print('deal with the tumor data for the blood including QC,fusion')
  182. unpair_case(inputpath, sample_name_2)
  183. unpair_QC(inputpath, laneid, sample_name_2)
  184. sample_accomplish.append(sam)
  185. if data_classify[sam] == "normal_tumor_TT":
  186. sample_name_1 = sam + "CN"
  187. sample_name_2 = sam + "TT"
  188. if (sample_name_1 in file_list) and (sample_name_2 in file_list):
  189. #print(44)
  190. print('deal with the pair data for the tissue including varscan and vardict mutation')
  191. sample=sam.strip()
  192. pair(inputpath, laneid, sample, sample_name_1, sample_name_2 )
  193. sample_accomplish.append(sam)
  194. if data_classify[sam] == "normal_tumor_CT":
  195. sample_name_1 = sam + "CN"
  196. sample_name_2 = sam + "CT"
  197. if (sample_name_1 in file_list) and (sample_name_2 in file_list):
  198. #print(55)
  199. print('deal with the pair data for the blood including varscan and vardict mutation')
  200. sample = sam.strip()
  201. pair(inputpath, laneid, sample, sample_name_1, sample_name_2)
  202. sample_accomplish.append(sam)
  203. for sam1 in sample_accomplish:
  204. data_classify.pop(sam1)
  205. return data_classify
  206. def run_1(inputpath,time_sleep, laneid):
  207. Sample_list = os.path.join(inputpath, laneid + '_' + 'sample_infor_label.txt')
  208. data_classify = {}
  209. data = pd.read_csv(Sample_list, header=0, sep="\t")
  210. data.apply(classify_1,axis=1,args=(data_classify,))
  211. print(data_classify)
  212. analis_dir(inputpath)
  213. clean_align(inputpath, laneid)
  214. while 1:
  215. print("未处理样本:")
  216. print(data_classify)
  217. file_list = []
  218. path = inputpath
  219. get_logfile(path, file_list)
  220. if len(data_classify) == 0:
  221. print("结束")
  222. break
  223. data_classify = sample_1(data_classify, file_list, inputpath, laneid)
  224. print("{}秒后继续".format(time_sleep))
  225. time.sleep(time_sleep)
  226. #Sample_list='laneruntest_sample_infor_label.txt'
  227. #time_sleep=15
  228. #inputpath='/cgdata/liuxiangqiong/work62pancancer/runtest/laneruntest'
  229. #laneid='laneruntest'
  230. #Sample_list=os.path.join(inputpath,laneid+'_'+ 'sample_infor_label.txt')
  231. #run_1(inputpath,time_sleep, laneid)
  232. if __name__=='__main__':
  233. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='the main script for pancancer')
  234. parser.add_argument('-i', '--inputpath', type=str, help='the path of lane')
  235. parser.add_argument('-l', '--laneid', type=str, help='the laneid')
  236. args = parser.parse_args()
  237. Inputpath = args.inputpath
  238. Laneid=args.laneid
  239. time_sleep = 1200
  240. run_1(Inputpath, time_sleep, Laneid)